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RIP The Used of Internet in America

Who have heard that in USA, one week ago, the decision of Net Neutrality was announced? I guess that people in America are not very happy about the decision, and neither are we. So the Federal Communications Commission has announced that they will repeal the net-neutrality law next year which was really helpful in the Obama-era. And what does it exactly mean?
The end of net neutrality means that you are being abused by internet service providers. Imagine that you have to pay more if you want to browse in Facebook or Twitter. Imagine that you have to pay more to do online shopping by your favourite online store. Imagine that if you want to watch Netflix, the cost will be increasingly high. Eventually, imagine that your life is being controlled by internet providers.
The concept of Internet Neutrality preserves human right to communicate and to get information without any extra cost. The internet service providers should provide their customers with open networks. They should not block or discriminate against any applications or contents that pass through their networks. The reasons behind the Federal Communications Commission USA has proposed to repeal net neutrality rules are still disputable. Some of them might argue that the end of net neutrality would impact customers to have more options about contents, which is rather senseless.

The end of net neutrality would lead internet service providers to decide subjectively who will be heard and who will not. Furthermore, the competition in technology companies will be dominated by The Big Five. Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft are likely the names that would be heard forever if net neutrality fails. The emerging of new growing start-ups will slightly decrease. The big companies will pay internet providers no matter how much it would cost to reach their costumer. The small start-ups would be obviously left behind because they do not have enough budget. This would have an excessive impact to society too. Everyone would have different levels of information. News distribution would not be as rapid as today. The communication platforms would be determined by internet providers, unless society is ready to an unreasonable price. The future of internet looks frightful if this would really happen.
